Tuesday, December 7, 2010

November - Long Over Due!

These last couple of months have been so busy. In November, we took the kiddos to the Indianapolis Children's Museum. Mom and Shelby had a playdate at the Twisted Sifter with our MOPS group. We had the Panko family over for a wonderful Thanksgiving feast. Will's elementary school had their Thanksgiving performance. Will and Shelby had Coleman and Keenan over for a sleepover!

Indianapolis Children's Museum

Exploring for dinosaur bones

Barbie's New Assistants!

They've turned into penguins!

Decorating Cakes at Twisted Sifter with MOPS

Thanksgiving feast at our house

First sleepover!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Fall Portraits

I decided I would take fall pictures of Will and Shelby this year. Daddy was away on business. It was just the three of us. It was a little crazy, but somehow I still captured some sweet moments. Fall is such a beautiful time of year.

A Fall Song
by Ellen Robena Field

Golden and red trees
Nod to the soft breeze,
As it whispers, "Winter is near;"
And the brown nuts fall
At the wind's loud call,
For this is the Fall of the year.

Good-by, sweet flowers!
Through bright Summer hours
You have filled our hearts with cheer
We shall miss you so,
And yet you must go,
For this is the Fall of the year.

Now the days grow cold,
As the year grows old,
And the meadows are brown and sere;
Brave robin redbreast
Has gone from his nest,
For this is the Fall of the year.

I do softly pray
At the close of day,
That the little children, so dear,
May as purely grow
As the fleecy snow
That follows the Fall of the year.

Five Little Pumpkins

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A Place We Call Home

Moving is such hard work, but well worth it in the end. Here are a few pictures for those of you haven't seen it in person. We are so happy to call this home.

We have lived here for about 9 weeks. It's hard to believe that. Seems like we just moved! The packing and unpacking was a lot of work, and I've had enough of that for a long while. I guess that makes sense why I just can't bring myself to get out the Christmas decorations! I don't want to see anymore boxes.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A Princess and a Pirate

Princess Leia and Pirate Will made their debut tonight. We visited Calvary's Trunktastic. There were so many cute costumes this year. The kids had a nice time. We have our church fall festival to attend on Friday, and then it's off to trick or treat with their cousins on Saturday! Fall is so much fun!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Last Several Weeks

The last several weeks have been crazy. We've had a lot going on. Just a small recap for you (haha!).

Will ended his third season of soccer. He is quite the player! We are so proud of him.

My sister and I took Shelby's two year old pictures at Waveland, a historic site located in Lexington. I have lots of great pictures and will post more at a later date.

Blake and I went on a dinner date to the grand opening of Eddie Montgomery's Steakhouse. We saw a live performance of both he and his brother, John Michael Montgomery.

We moved into our house. I would say it is mostly decorated, but still needs some work. I have a handful of things to do before I consider us completely settled. We at least got all our boxes unpacked. Thanks to my mom for helping to make that happen! I haven't had a chance to take pictures of the inside yet. Hopefully I'll be able to do that in the next few days.

Shelby has shown a keen interest in the potty. She is potty training and doing very well. She has a potty seat that plays music each time she uses the potty. It's funny to see her facel light up when the music begins. We're so proud of her. I told myself I would never put a child in pull-ups ever again, but I didn't live by my word. Early on in her training, I would find diapers all over the house. Shelby was walking around the house diaperless! She was taking herself to the potty and leaving diapers where ever. I was not going to risk her making a big mess in our new house! Needless to say, this child is wearing pull-ups (for now, anyway)!

Will has had two school field trips (one to visit area businesses in downtown Danville, and another at Bi-Water Farms in Georgetown, KY).

About a year ago this time, we found a church home. We officially joined the church a few weeks ago. This picture was taken by IHCC.

Basically, our lives have been a little more than busy! We are happy and loving life together as a family in our new home. Will and Shelby are growing up so fast too!

We had our first overnight guests last weekend. Nana and Papa came in for a visit! We had a nice time and were so glad to see them. The six of us made a trip to Boyd Orchards in Versaille, and then had a nice dinner afterwards. Will and Shelby had a great time! On the following day, they were sad to see them leave.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Kickoff Cats!

Best looking Wildcat fans ever! Go Cats beat those Cards!

Blake and I both graduated from the University of Kentucky and are happy to FINALLY say we bought season football tickets this year! Sad to say we didn't do it sooner, but our kids have always been our number one priority. They are both growing up fast and ready to spend time away from mommy and daddy! They love spending time with family. We have many more options of where they can go while mommy and daddy go support the Wildcats! We are looking forward to a great season. C-A-T-S......Cats, Cats, Cats!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Beginning of the End

Our closing date is set to happen the 15th of September. There is still a lot of interior work that has to be done. It's no surprise to see 10-12 contractors working in the house at a time. It's a very busy place! I just can't see how in the world reality shows can flip a house in such short periods of time.

On Saturday, we spent most of our day cleaning basement floors. It was a lot of work! The basement will be our staging area for unloading boxes. We will begin taking boxes to the new house this week.

On Sunday, I started packing our things at the rental house. We are off to a great start. It's going to take a lot of effort and time to be ready in two weeks! Hope and pray we can make it happen. We are more than ready to move into our new home!

The following pictures were taken on Friday.

Great Room and Foyer

Dining Room


Master shower

We are very excited about the trim work. It was Blake's idea to change it up and do something completely different. I was nervous about it at first. I have come to love it!! They call is Shaker style.

I am very excited about the doors too. I was ready to do something different! I think they go well with our Shaker style trim work.