Monday, August 23, 2010

First Day of K

Our son, Will, is growing fast. His first day of kindergarten went well. I had some camera issues that morning (no surprise there) and was not able to take pictures! We did have a working video camera though (thank goodness!). We ran into my sister that morning. She captured a picture of me and Will via her iPhone (technology has come a long way!).

I was able to get my camera working some the following day. Here are a few pictures of Will on his second day of school.

Will enjoys school for the most part. There have been a few meltdowns, and he's not wanted to go to school. I think all kids experience mixed feelings. I know I did. Once I left the school, he was fine. He himself told me he forgot about being sad a few minutes after I left. So I know he enjoys being there (just not when I'm around).

The other night he had me in tears. He said he missed being at home. I asked why he wanted to stay home. Through his tears he said, "I miss being with you Mommy." It broke my heart to him say it, and I felt bad for him. Although he has his mornings, he always comes home in a cheery mood. He's such a happy boy and I look forward to picking him up at school everyday!

This change in schedule is definitely going to take some time getting used to!