My formal living room is one of my favorite rooms in the house! Although we spend the least amount of time in this room, it is still my favorite.
I was a little nervous about painting it green (Grasscloth Green from Home Depot to be exact). When I brought it home, my husband said, "That's going in our living room??" Red is my favorite color when it comes to decorating a home. Green and red are complimentary colors. So green sounded perfect to me!! Plus, I am one to try just about anything, and wall paint is the least expensive way to dress up a room. When I am ready to paint a room, I remind myself it can always be changed if I wind up not liking it. Most of my house painting occurs in the middle of the night or when my husband takes a trip across the world. He has not had to travel in a long time (thank goodness for that), but when he does, he says, "Which room are you going to paint while I'm gone?" HAHA!!
A view from the foyer
A view from our dining room
Another view from our dining room
Looking towards the foyer
Another view towards the foyer
This is one of my favorite pieces of work. I used to have family photos displayed in these frames before our house went up on the market. Since our house is up for sale, we had to depersonalize the entire house (oh the fun of trying to sell a home!). So I made a trip to a local bookstore (Half Priced Books) and purchased a fairly inexpensive book of beautifully photographed orchids. If you like this type of arrangement and you do not have a good amount of family photographs, I would suggest buying a book of nice flowers, particularly closeup shots. I love my orchids, but I still miss my family pictures.
I purchased this piece of artwork from Kirkland's when Will was just two weeks shy of turning one and it was my first Mother's Day! My husband gave me $$ for Mother's Day that year. So this is what I bought. I love large colorful pieces of artwork and Kirland's is the place for great buys!Our Family Room
A view from the kitchen/breakfast room
Welcome to our family room. We probably spend most of our time here. Unfortunately, we do not have a playroom in the house. So this is where our children like to play. It was the first room painted in the house. When I think back, I realize how crazy I was to have painted this room myself. My husband was on a week long business trip to Asia and I was 6 months pregnant with Will. My doctor approved my painting the house as long as I used latex paint!
Views from the back of the house
A view towards the back of the house
Just outside the french doors is our kitchen/breakfast room
One of my favorite pieces of furniture. Great for hiding for the television!
This cubicle is where we store our children's toy. They each have one in their bedroom closest. It is a great way to keep toys organized and a room messy free! These are a must when you are trying to sell your home!I hope you enjoyed peeking into my living rooms! Come back next Friday to view another room of our home.